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Leeds Open Day 2

New to Our Fleet: Wacker AS50e Battery Powered Rammers

New to Our Fleet: Wacker AS50e Battery Powered Rammers

New to our fleet of machinery at the Leeds branch of Charles Wilson Engineers Ltd, we have Wacker AS50e Battery Powered Rammers. They are capable of:

  • 100% emission-free work
  • 55% lower operating costs than with gasoline vibratory rammers
  • Same compaction performance as comparable gasoline-powered rammers
  • Low hand-arm vibrations (HAV) thanks to the parallel guidance of the handle
  • A maintenance-free electric motor that is started at the push of a button

“Both the environment and the operator are protected during compaction work with the battery-powered rammer AS50e. Due to the entirely emission-free working principle, work can easily be carried out in poorly ventilated trench applications or insensitive vicinities. Thanks to parallel guidance specifically developed for the rammer, the entire handle area of the battery-powered rammer AS50e is vibration-decoupled with low hand-arm vibrations (HAV) for the operator”…


Contact our Leeds branch by calling 0113 323 9999 or emailing to enquire further about the battery-powered rammers we have from Wacker, as well as the rest of our extensive range of products.

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